Photo: Laurent Meurice
Graduated in 2007 in Dramatic Art at the IAD, she started as an actress on stage with "Shakespeare is dead get over it” in the National Theater of Brussels.
In 2012 she developed her musical skills on the keyboard, bass guitar and vocals in the show "Heroes just for one day" by Vincent Hennebicq.
In 2014 she created a one-woman show at the Théâtre National "Je vous envoie comme des brebis au milieu des loups" (I send you like sheep in the middle of wolves) of which she is the author, composer and performer. In an electronic pop genre, with humor and a certain distance, her compositions bring to the stage intimate and sometimes autobiographical subjects.
In 2015 she followed a training at Technocité Mons that concerns the technical and creative aspects of audiovisual sound design such as editing, mixing, sound effects, musical composition.
Since 2017 she is a member of the electronic duo Figure section, a Belgian cold wave band supported by the Berlin label Aufnahme-Wiedergabe and in which she co-composes and sings alongside Yannick Franck.
In 2018 she participates in the creation " Respire " (Théâtre de la Guimbarde's Company) at the Festival de Huy, in which she creates the sound design.
In 2021 at the National Theatre she created the music for the show "La Bombe Humaine" by Vincent Hennebicq in a subdued podcast atmosphere.
In 2023 she continued with "La Décision" by the same company, followed by "Nostalgica" by Alexis Julémont, in which she also plays a role, and "Toc Toc Toc" by Perrine Ledent, which is still in progress.
Live or in Studio, in addition to her work for various companies, she's developing her research on the intimate links between music and narration and is currently working on her next musical performance at the borders of documentary and fiction.